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Chester Historical Society

Orange County, New York

(Click on one of the images in the gallery to start a slide show.)

2015 Society Photos

Images in chronological order.

Updated 2015-12-06.

2015-01-06 Rob checking why there is no heat from from the attic zone. IMG_4483
2015-01-06 J.C. and Rob at the controls in the boiler room, flushing the attic zone. IMG_4485
2015-01-06 Pipes frozen! Crew gathered. J.C. shown here thawing pipes. IMG_4487
2015-02-04 We hold joint meeting with Cornerstone Masonic Historical Society at McGarrah’s Inn, Monroe, NY DSC02797
2015-02-04 We hold joint meeting with Cornerstone Masonic Historical Society at McGarrah’s Inn, Monroe, NY DSC02795
2015-02-14 Rob arraigning Yard Sale boxes. IMG_4940
Ronnie & Marcia pricing yard sale items. — at 1915 Erie Station, 19 Winkler Place, Chester, NY 10918. 2015-02-21 IMG_4968.JPG
Debby Lu packing up the Vadala Family Hess Truck Collection from the Holiday openhouse display. 2015-02-21 IMG_4975.JPG
Chester Veterans have been are once again on display in the Chester Village Hall lobby. 2015-02-24 IMG_4976.JPG
Chester Veterans have been are once again on display in the Chester Village Hall lobby. 2015-02-24 IMG_4977.JPG
Clif & Ed carrying The Werner John "Chester National Bank" painting originally commissioned for the bank, back to that building. 2015-02-27 IMG_4990.JPG
Clif, Ed & painting on the way. 2015-02-27 IMG_4992.JPG
Ed, Rebecca & Angela examining the Werner John painting upon arrival in Village Hall, in the former Chester National Bank. 2015-02-27 IMG_4995.JPG
Rob, Norma & Ed preparing to hang the 1915-2015 Chester Erie Station 100 Years banner. 2015-03-21 IMG_5097.jpg
Rob & Norma checking the 1915-2015 Chester Erie Station 100 Years banner. 2015-03-21 IMG_5101.jpg
Cliff, Rob, Norma & Ed posing with the 1915-2015 Chester Erie Station 100 Years banner, donated by Kent at MacMedia. 2015-03-21 IMG_5103.jpg
Leslie & Ronnie met with Robert to discuss restoring the Porte Cohere to its original stonework with a soldier course of stones replacing the log planter which was installed in 1991. 2015-03-11 IMG_5070.jpg
Rob building crate to store Don Barrell's Sugar Loaf Houses 2015-04-17 IMG_5599.jpg
Rob & Clif closing one crate containing Don Barrell's Sugar Loaf Houses 2015-04-17 IIMG_5614.jpg
Don Barrell's Sugar Loaf Diorama & Houses loaded for transport to our offsite storage. 2015-04-17 IIMG_5616.jpg
2015 04 18 Norma's Spring work party. IMG_5623.jpg
2015 04 18 Lynn pricing yard sale items. IMG_5626.jpg
2015 04 25 Rob prepping Station for opening. IMG_5655.jpg
2015 04 25 Rob admiring Werner John paintings. IMG_5659.jpg
2015 04 25 Clif begins Erie RR Timeline display.IMG_5653.jpg
2015 04 25 Erie RR Timeline display.IMG_5662.jpg
2015 04 26 Building our 2015 exhibit. IMG_5677.jpg
2015 04 26 Building our 2015 exhibit. IMG_5676.jpg
Opening Day welcoming committee: Lauren, Georgina, Lynn, Debby-Lu & Phyllis. 2015-05-02 (Photo by Vladimir) 2015_05020001.jpg
Rob, Ed, Lynn, Norma, Georgina, Debby-Lu & Ginny at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 DSC03625.jpg (Photo by Leslie Smith)
At 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 IMG_5773.jpg
Mr. & Mrs. Stoddard arrive at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 IMG_5771.jpg
Rose & Rob at the 1915 Erie Station ticket window on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 (Photo by Leslie Smith) DSC03656.jpg
Trainman Rob directs Ginny on Opening Day. 2015-05-02 IMG_5765.jpg
Ginny at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 (Photo by Leslie Smith). DSC03634.jpg
Sisters of different eras on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 IMG_5759.jpg
Norma checks out Lauren's hula-hooping! 2015-05-02 (Photo by Vladimir) 2015_05020002.jpg
Lynn & Rob on the platform at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 (Photo by Leslie Smith)DSC03641A.jpg
Family enjoys the trains at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 (Photo by Leslie Smith) DSC03648.jpg
These rail fans from Kingston and points in Pennsylvania were excited to find their grandfather's obituary on Opening Day. 2015-05-2 IMG_5789.jpg
2015-06-20 Robert McCue Erie Greycourt/Newburgh talk Flyer.
Opening Day featured speaker, Walter Conklin at 1915 Erie Station. 2015-05-2 (Photo by Leslie Smith). DSC03619.jpg
Title screen for Walter's presentation at 1915 Erie Station on Opening Day. 2015-05-
Leslie checks level on Mary Endico #5760 Painting loaned to the Chester Public Library. 2015-06-10 IMG_5815.jpg
Mary Endico #5760 Painting on far wall of the Chester Public Library. 2015-06-10 IMG_5816.JPG
2015 Yard Sale Flyer.
Norma checking Yard Sale name-tags. 2015-06-13.
Clif & Anthony. (Photo by Leslie) 2015-06-13
Georgina & EJ. (Photo by Leslie) 2015-06-13
David poses for Leslie. 2015-06-13
Clif & John. (Photo by Leslie) 2015-06-13
Debby showing vintage watch. 2015-06-13
Barbara, Al & Lynn. 2015-06-13
Enjoying conversation before the Inclined Railways program. 2015-07-12 DSC04359.jpg
Society Treasurer including today's featured speaker: Alex Prizgintas. 2015-07-12. 201IMG_6454.jpg
Alex presented Stone Arches, Rock Cuts and Trip to the Summit. 2015-07-12. IMG_6449.jpg
Today's featured speaker: Alex Prizgintas. 2015-07-12. (Photo by Leslie S.) DSC04365A.jpg
Harrriman's Hotel at Turners, where passengers transfers from the Erie RR to Harriman's omnibus and up his inclined to his estate at the Summit. Hotel built 1865, burn 1875. 2015-07-12 IMG_6479.jpg
Alex had so many questions and comments from the enthusiastic standing room only crowd that his was barely able to utter a complete sentence! 2015-07-12 IMG_6485.jpg
Engineer in training. 2015-07-12 (Photo by Leslie S.) DSC04468.JPG
Werner John's "Yelverton Inn" painting that formerly graced our Chester Town Hall has been removed. The Town Board turned it over to the Chester Historical Society and it was transported today to the 1915 Erie Station. Linda, Bill, Rob, Leslie and Clif made the transfer this afternoon. Rob and Clif loading the right panel at the 1915 Erie Station. (Leslie Smith photo) 2015-07-14 IMG_6523.jpg
Rob and Clif carry the right panel into the 1915 Erie Station. (Leslie Smith photo) 2015-07-14 IMG_6528.jpg
Orange County Trolleys by Ray Kelly. 2015-07-29
Ray Kelly gave a wonderful presentation on the various systems in Orange County. 2015-07-29 IMG_6734.jpg
Ray spoke to an overflow crowd! 2015-07-29 IMG_6738.jpg
Debby-Lu, Ed, Norma & Clif (behind camera) assembling August newsletters in the Ticket Master's Office. 2015-08-13
"Sterling Mine Railroads" by Doc Bayne!
Just a few empty seats as Doc gave the a short history of the iron mines and the Sterling Mountian Railway! 2015-08-18 — IMG_6896.
Iron from the Peter Townsend's Sterling Mines made the chain that stopped the British from dividing the Colonies during the Revolution. Leslie Smith photo. 2015-08-18 - DSC04823
Mary & Doc discussing a point. Leslie Smith photo. 2015-08-18 — DSC04836.
Doc answering questions. Leslie Smith photo. 2018-08-18 — DSC04827.
EJ & Tom. 2018-08-18 DSC04840.
The downpour Saturday didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the Northeast Farm Access, Chester Agricultural Center's Farmers Market on their third week in down town Chester! 2015-09-12 IMG_0350.JPG
Russ shared memories of his time working for the Erie RR in the 1960s gave a fastinating insight into how much manual effort went into keeping the railroads running on time. Some of his stories of working with 'oldtime personalities' were priceless! He had fond memories of taking shelter here in this very station during bad weather, waiting to be dispatched to free frozen switches and such. 2015-09-26 IMG_0563w.jpg
(Photo by Leslie Smith) 2015-09-26 DSC05130.jpeg
Russ explained how signal torpedoes were placed on the tracks to give the locomotive engineers instructions. Upon hearing three torpedoes close together the train was stopped as quickly as possible. To be heard over the noise of the train they were incredibly loud. Russ recalled one prankster that he worked with that sectioned torpedoes into thirds and set them on the rail in the motorcar shed at the point where the car would be parked. The sound was deafening! You can ask Russ how he got even. (Photo by Leslie Smith) 2015-09-26 DSC05124.jpeg
Debby accepting Marion's donation of the 1953 Easter Week Erie RR Senior Trip Excursion to the U. S. Capitol! Round trip from Chester was $45.15 for the trainfair, meals and room at Ebbitt Hotel in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Leslie Smith) 2015-09-26 DSC05091.jpg
Young visitor enjoying Norma’s scrumptious chocolate-raspberry trifle! (Photo by Leslie Smith) 2015-09-026 DSC05096.jpg
Mary A. chats with Bob of the Chester Agricultural Center at their open house on Meadow Ave., 2015-10-10. (Leslie Smith photo) DSC05197.jpeg
Amanda, Jim & Sophie. preparing the food. Chester Agricultural Center open house on Meadow Ave., 2015-10-10. (Leslie Smith photo) DSC05198.jpeg
Brooklyn's Jay Street Connecting Railroad” by Elliott Janofsky. 2015-11-21
2015 23rd Annual Tree Lightning Flyer.
Caroling led Pat. M. 2015-12-06 (Photo by Leslie) DSC05692.jpg
Family poses with North Pole visitors: Santa, Mrs. Claus, Elf Colleen and Paws. 2015-12-06 (Photo by Leslie) DSC05722.jpg
Family poses with Santa & his family. 2015-12-06 (Photo by Leslie) DSC05712.jpg
Cindy welcomes Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus along with Elf Colleen. IMG_0947.jpg
Joan, Fred & Debby-Lu the trains under the direction of the young engineer. 2015-12-06 (Photo by Leslie) DSC05727.jpg
Betty-Jo, Debby-Lu and Tom pose in front of indoor tree. 2015-12-06 (Photo by Leslie) DSC05645.jpg
Enjoy Roe's cider and refreshments in the baggage room. 2015-12-06 IMG_0949.jpg